Thursday, December 10, 2009

nom nom nom

This post is a much not needed break from studying. My finals are on Monday and Tuesday and I really need to buckle down. I'm confident that once I start studying I'll be prepared, just gotta start. Anyhoot during my physics class there was this one kid who sat diagonal from me who always wears the same dragon jacket. I'm no fashion police but a whole semester? But I admit, when I saw his Naruto fingerless gloves, I got pretty jealous. What really amazed me was that he was picking his nose as if he was the only one in the room and it got pretty disgusting. Not only was he picking away, he was eating them! He was having his own buffet during class. I wanted to look away but I was just in shock that people still do that his age. Now I know it's even more juvenile to make fun of others but this is merely an observation and it has opened my eyes. Maybe this only happens at state schools.. or only during physics classes.. or he could just be hungry, who knows? Again sorry for blogging about this, it's just that I have no idea why he would eat his own boogers.. since earwax tastes so much better!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I gotta get my stuff together. My priorities have been screwed up for the longest time now.. and I just realized it. Well I always knew it but I've been ignoring it.. Ah too late to fix it, just gotta move on and maaaybe it'll fix itself over time. Ha that doesn't really make sense. Sorry for the emo post. Soo here's a good chuck norris joke! or should I say chuck norris fact: chuck norris can win at connect 4 in 3 moves. Hahahaha. ok gotta studyyy. It's the final countdown!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Midterms, Thanksgiving, Zombies

Hey gals and pals (more like only pals..) its been awhile since my last post. I just finished with my calculus midterm and I thought I did alright. I know I didn't get an B but hopefully a high C or low B. There were some material that I thought I knew but apparently not thorough enough. I went back home on Friday to record with the fellowship gang which was pretty fun. I then stayed over at my friend's house because we planned to go to Sunnyvale for the NorCal Regionals street fight 4 tourney. My plan was to stay and watch for a little then study on Saturday and Sunday. We got to the tourney pretty late but it was still crowded and there was a strong scent of body odor and weed that filled the room. There were a lot of setups going on which was impressive. Marc and Norb had a 2v2 money match with 2 other guys but lost to a blanka.. I won't go into detail.. But other than that I've been studying for that midterm.

Now it's pretty much smooth sailing until next Monday. I have class tomorrow and one on Wednesday. My dad's side of the family plan to have Thanksgiving at Tahoe so I think I'm getting picked up on Wednesday. Yesss no cal train. I'm excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas since I haven't seen my cousins in a long while. And of course the best meals of the year!

Ohh I had the crazzziest dream last night but no one to tell...

So my family and friends walked went into this restaurant that was apparently owned by nazi zombies.. yes, and it gets better.. We wanted to leave but it was too late cause everyone was looking at us so we went into this back room to play it off and for some reason I was in a wheelchair pretending to be handicap even though I was walking later.. At first it was hard to tell that they were even zombies since they all looked normal and even some of my friends were zombies, but eventually the zombies just went crazy and we had to defend for our lives. At one point they were all outside of the room where we were safe in. We planned to open it and just kill our way out so I picked up a skateboard and when the door opened I was bashing people's faces LOL. I won't mention which of my friends/acquaintances were zombies but it got intense.. I distinctly remembered smashing Will Smith's face. HAHA. Soo random. But man that was one of the most crazy yet entertaining dreams I ever had.. so ridiculous! I assume that dream was the result of watching a Quentin Tarantino marathon and a lot of Fresh Prince.. Hahaha. When I woke up I was pretty much laughing.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Yesterday I played broomball with the fellowship I go to at san jose. I didn't think that I was gonna go since I didn't get a call or make an effort to get a ride. But I received a call close to the evening and was able to get a ride with someone from SF state. It felt kinda sketchy being asked what color i'm wearing and to get into a random car haha. But they were really nice to give me a ride both ways. We ate at Red Robins and then met up with people from UC Berkeley and SF state to play some broomballll. Broomball is like hockey but you don't use skates. You kinda run and glide on the ice and use this stick to hit the ball. There were about 30 people who went and it was pretty fun. Falling kinda sucked but I guess its a part of the sport.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Liu Xiang is back!

The renown Liu Xiang is back at the track. It has been over a year since his last race but now he is back in action and taking no prisoners. He went through surgery to fix his achilles injury that caused him to pull out of the Summer Beijing Olympics. But the results from the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix in September show that he has fully recovered and is better than ever.

London, Summer 2012.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Hahaha I actually stole that title from my friend's facebook status.. but yes, it is that time of year again, midterms! I just finished taking my calculus midterm and it was not the greatest. I forgot really basic calculus stuff which hurt because I knew those were easy points gone. I also got the results for my physics midterm today. I scored a 12.85 out of 29 points.. but there's something called a curve, and I got a B-! I was somewhat satisfied but in order to get a B, I needed 12.95, a tenth of a point more. I looked through the whole test just trying to find some partial credit that the professor might give me. I found an answer that I wrote which was supposed to be right, just that I plugged in a wrong number, and I showed it to the professor. I didn't thing that he would give me credit. However, it worked! I got a quarter of a point. Just like that shamwow! I got myself a B. I was really glad that I took that chance and begged for that forth of a point. Yeah, pointless post once again but that's the most interesting thing that happened recently. I have a philosophy midterm next Monday so time to hit the books!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Track & Field

Today is my easy day only having my film class. The class is pretty nice so far although it's 3 hours long. The lectures are kinda boring actually and we usually watch a movie right after. My class starts at 1:30 so I got to sleep in and I started to study for the test later on. All of the professor's lectures were online so it was pretty easy to study for. But when I got to the classroom, apparently class was canceled for today. Another student next to me saw the sign and was like, "Couldn't he just use email?" Ha. But yeah that was a waste of time.

And I have noticed that my banner is really weak compared to other people's blog. I don't really have the patience or skill to make one so I'm stuck with the default ones.. yes that is my excuse for having such an ugly blog. Plus, I rarely take pictures let alone be in pictures so I don't put up many pictures either. But I recently dug up my track pictures and I put them up on facebook and I was thinking of blogging about my track experience or maybe one in particular since I could post up some pictures too. So here goes.

If you didn't know I did hurdling and long jump for the majority of my track and field career. I would say I was below average at both but never last Haha. Our school competed in the West Catholic Athletic League (WCAL) which was supposed to be one of the toughest leagues in California (hence why I was below average but no johns). I also did some 4x100 and 4x400 relays as well which were in my opinion the funnest events to do. I actually hated running the 400 but as I did it more it wasn't too bad. One race I remember clearly was the one against Riordan. I only have some bad pictures of the below. But on with the story!

So to set the stage, in one of the early meets in my senior year, I was the anchor leg for the 4x400 against Mitty. I was about 5 meters behind the guy ahead of me for the whole lap around and when we hit the last straight away, I was slowly catching up to him. I pretty much caught up to him and was at his side and it was kinda funny cause I remembered that if I swung my arm harder I advanced a little then he would advance a little bit and it went back and forth. It was like those over dramatic car races on tv. But I ended up losing and I was pretty mad.. but yeah. That was one of the best races I participated in until the Riordan meet. Fast forward to the end of the season. So the 4x400 race is always the last race of the meet so usually this event got the most attention. The race started and Riordan took the lead for the first lap but when Paul got the baton he was able to catch up and take the lead. Our second and third runners were the fastest 400 runners we had on our team and by the time I got the baton I had about a good 40 meter gap between the Riordan guy. I remember watching Jarret (third runner) run around the track and he had a crazy lead on his guy and the Riordan runner I was up against said something like, "Aw come on man. Now I gotta work." And for the record, this guy beat Jarret in the 800 meter race with a really low time. He was also pretty cut, about 6 something, and black. So when he said that I was so scared. My legs were shaking and when I got the baton I took it and ran for my life. I remember my coach saying, "Let's go Matt, make him work." I guess my coach knew that he was going to catch up so that added to the fear factor. I was always taught to sprint the first curve, ease up on the straight-away, then slowly speed up during the second curve and go all out on the last straight-away. So once I was past the halfway point, there were two of my teammates cheering and one said, "hurry he's catching up!" I was like what the- already!? So I started to speed up trying to save my energy. And right before the last straight-away, another teammate yelled, "RUN MATT!" And that's when I knew I should go all out. I didn't even think that he would catch up so fast and plus I didn't hear him or see his shadow coming up. The only reason I knew he was behind me was because everyone was jumping, screaming, and doing flips. My left ear was ringing after the race because my team was on the field and they were basically yelling right into my ear as I ran down. That straight-away was the longest 100 meters I ever ran. It was so scary. I was just hoping that I wouldn't see him and when I crossed the finish line, I was so relieved that I never saw his back. And then right after, I grabbed a basketball and dunked on him. Hahaha nah, he was by far the better runner but there's no "I" in "team" bahaha. After the race we had our usual Alma Mater chant/mosh pit and I had my glory. I remember I felt so happy as I was walking out with Kaeneth.. that was a good way to end track.

Well here's some pictures.. Wow this is a really long post, sorry

Mike was the first leg and he handed it off to Paul


Paul to Jarret


Jarret to me


Mitty pictures



I guess that Mitty guy felt the same way I did hahaha.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

The past Labor Day weekend was a fulfilling one. On Friday I took Cal Train home right after my morning class so I got home pretty early. It was nice just being at home so early. I still think I should get a car which would make it so much more easier. The prices for both Cal Train and Muni rose so now I pay $8.50 to get home. Well I do have the luxury of coming home whenever I want so that's satisfying enough. On Saturday I went to my friend's birthday party which was pretty fun. I expected it to be awkward since I only knew a few others there but everyone was friendly and were more than willing to chat. I stayed over at his place and the next morning Angelo drove me home pretty early just in time for church.

On Sunday some of the youth/young adult wanted to eat dinner at this BBQ place in San Mateo. We went our different ways since some wanted to do some shopping before hand but I decided to just go home first. My little cousins came over to also to play but I just wanted to take a nap since I slept around 3 on Saturday. But they made a lot of noise so I didn't really get a good nap but it was all good. I woke up pretty late and didn't expect to make it to the dinner. But I get a phone call from my cousin and they were ten minutes away hah. It was cool that they drove the opposite direction just to pick me up. The restaurant had this "Belly Buster" which could feed 4 people or a NFL lineman (not one of my usual bad jokes, actually on the menu). So we 3 of those since there were 12 of us but it failed my expectations. The food was good, lots of meat, just that I expected it to be more like the pho challenge. After that, we decided to go to Classic Bowl but when we got there, we found out that Sea Bowl had an evening special which was half the price of Classic Bowl. So being the Asians that we were, we jumped into our cars and headed to Sea Bowl. When we got there, we had to wait for about an hour to bowl.. It was a long night but a good one.

Oh and at church I was reminded of a childhood story about lice, yeah really random. In the forth grade, everyone had to be checked to see if they had lice since it was spreading the school. Found out that Annabel had lice who was in the same grade as me. (kinda messed up that I'm using her name, sorry!) Well I sat next to her at the time so I was trying to keep my distance. But I remember the kid to my left farted or something and it really stunk so I was about to move over to the right but Annabel was right there. I felt really trapped that whole day. HAhaha. what torture.. But yeah good times.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Starting Second Year

This is the first week of school and it is going pretty good. I'm rooming with my asian roommate from last year and a high school friend at an apartment this year. The apartment is pretty nice but the only bad thing is that it's about a 15 minute walk from SJSU. There is a bus but it doesn't come too frequently.. And this doesn't help the fact that I have 8:30am and 8:00am classes. I'm not too sure if many of you have heard, but there have been some major budget cuts in California. SJSU, along with other CSU schools, has been pretty screwed over by this. I feel lucky that I got 15 units but the times of these classes are pretty bad. Along with the budget cuts, professors are supposed to have furlough days meaning no class. I'm surprised at myself that I wasn't rejoicing because I need all the help I can get in my physics and calculus 3 class. Hopefully it'll all work out.

Today in my lab for my mechanical engineering class, we were assigned to draw different shapes using AutoCAD. It sounded really complicated but I think it was just because the TA had a strong Indian accent and that I sat in the back and couldn't hear him. So during his instructions, people in the back were just talking amongst themselves trying to figure it out on their own. The class seemed pretty interesting and surprisingly there were girls in the class. It's pretty rare to find girls in the science/engineering classes but yeah. Tomorrow is going to be my film class and I'm really looking forward to that.. Well hope the year is a good one

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Eventful past few weeks

For the past few weeks, there have been some eventful events that have occurred, hence the title. I went to Disneyland to celebrate a friend's birthday and we stayed at UC Irvine for housing. Again like at Davis, it made me feel depressed that I go to San Jose.. It seemed so chill in socal and just happier haha. I went to California Adventures for the first time and rode all of the popular rides. I originally did not want to go on Tower of Terror cause I hate scary stuff but it wasn't even close to as scary as I imagined it to be. Another memorable ride was the ferris wheel. This ferris wheel had carts that slide, kinda hard to explain, but basically you rock back and forth while going around the ferris wheel. So when we got on, there were some pretty intense rocking even though it was such a slow ride. We were screaming and enjoying the ride and I look over to my left and Nathan was hunched over not moving at all. I asked if he was alright and he just said no. Then were all quiet and trying to make him not barf. The ride was almost over but of course he had to let it out and barfed on the floor. As we got out of the cart, I told one of the workers that he should get a mop to wipe it up. He got the mop and was about to go inside the cart, but 2 girls ran into the cart and sat down. They noticed the barf and inspected it closely and once they realized it was barf, the doors closed. Hahaha My friend and I were laughing so hard, at the same time trying to hide it so it wouldn't look like we barfed there on purpose and waited to see their reaction. But ah man, they were stuck in that cart for about 15 minutes with barf on the floor hahaha. The next night we went out to check out the malls nearby and eat some dinner. UC Irvine also had this restaurant called Guppies. They were known for this huge bowl filled with shaved ice, fruits, and condensed milk. Never had anything like it, but it was delicious.

After I came back from socal, I went to visit my cousins in Fresno. My family helped them build a shed in their backyard as well as fix up their yard a little. While I was helping pouring cement, some of the cement splashed into my eye. I just had to wash it out but that was kinda scary haha. Oh and at the hotel that we stayed at, I finally learned how to swim kinda. And by kinda I mean that I could swim only for 1 breaths worth of distance. I can't lift my head up for air but its all good. It was quite a satisfying moment for me.

Now I got back from vacation and counting down the last few weeks until school starts. I just found out that I got into one of my waitlisted classes and now have 15 units. Things are just going for me for the past few weeks and I just want to enjoy the last of the summer I have..

Sadly a few days ago, I was informed that one of my classmates from highschool/college past away. He was such a cool guy, always saying hi to me whenever I saw him. It's so shocking and hard to believe. Rest in peace Devin, I'll be praying for you.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New forMatt

I don't think I ever changed the blog's format but change is good. Now it looks like I write more. Speaking of change, I haven't changed my underwear in 4 days. HAha jk... but not really..

Well today I went to the dentist and I have no cavities! I always hated going to the dentist and I still do. Well it's not nearly as bad as it was when I was a kid but it is definitely not a favorite pastime. The dentist commented on how many extractions I had and I realized that I had 8 teeth removed by the dentist, including my wisdom teeth. I really have underwent the many tortures a dentist can perform: cavities, wisdom teeth, braces, and x-rays! Ah man I hate those x-rays because it always feels like it is stabbing the bottom of my mouth. I actually once threw up because of that.. And I also bit the dentist's finger, on accident of course haha.

Anyways after the checkup, I mentioned that one of the fillings from a previous cavity was shredding the floss since there was excess filling in between two teeth. So they tried to smooth it away with this sandpaper-like strip of paper but weren't able get it in between my teeth. They had this tool to pry the teeth away from each other and yes it hurt. So they were doing that and they asked if it hurt and I shook my head because I didn't think it would take that long. But they said that they needed to numb my gum so they could pry it a little more, which is another reason why I said it didn't hurt because I hate their numbing shot. But I still got that shot and it brought back many unpleasant memories. There is a very distinct taste to that shot. It tasted like metal but I don't know if it was my blood or the needle or maybe both. But it didn't take too long and they were able to smooth it out significantly so I guess I'm grateful for that, yet if I knew that they were going to do that, then I would have said that my teeth are fine..

Now that I think about it, I feel bad for my dentist who had to put up with me every six months when I was small. I would gladly get a shot, a pimple, and a haircut all at the same time rather than go to the dentist. Gladly.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Summer has been going well. I don't have any set plans yet I still have important things to take care of. I really have to find a place to stay for next semester so my roommates and I are gonna go to san jose this week sometime. We saw this really nice apartment that was 2 floors but the guy didn't choose us.. I also have to take care of some advising stuff because I was waitlisted on half of my classes.. Well it should all work out if I just do it but knowing me, it'll take awhile.

Since my last post I did some not so regular summer activities. The Mexico trip was great. Helping build a house from the ground up is a rewarding feeling and so was seeing the family really appreciative. But the lodging there was pretty bad. You were not able to put toilet paper into the toilets or else it would clog up. So there was a garbage can to throw your toilet paper in. yes. The first night was such a bad night. Half of the guys were snoring so loud. It was unbelievable. The one guy who slept in the bunk next to mine had the weirdest snore; he would sleep silently for a minute or so, then roar for like ten seconds. It was scary. I got probably 2 hours of sleep that night. July 4th was pretty cool this year. I had some of my friends over and jeff had some of his friends over as well. It was a really clear night and the fireworks were superb as usual. I also went biking recently, which I haven't done in years. We biked along the Marina to the Golden Gate Bridge. Oh and it was Kasey's birthday recently so we had lunch with him. We went to his house after for a little while and I got to ride in his Porsche. That was fastest car ride I ever experienced. He was weaving through traffic as if the cars were staying still. I think having the hood down made it seem faster but still, it was fast. Such a baller.. Other than that, things are pretty chill.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

CCU '09

The CCU season has begun and we're 1-1 so far. Last game was pretty bad but we won by a good margin today. I had a nice single single with 1 rebound, 4 points, and 42 turnovers. Not a bad day I must say. As long as I get my team the win right? Next game is on Friday and the team we're up against looks pretty good.. sigh. Well whatever we'll see how it goes, and to all my fans out there who want to come see me in action, I suggest not to watch the slaughter on Friday.. or any other night for that matter. We got pretty lucky with this win and I'm hoping to score at least 5 the next game Ha.

My summer so far has been pretty nice since I don't have to do anything. I have been doing nothing so far except hang out which is cool. I finished watching the anime series Code Geass which was pretty good. The ending was crazzy and I thought that it made the whole series worth watching. I hear good things from Full Metal also so I'll be starting that up too. I kinda want to get a bike or a long board so I could ride down to the Marina whenever I feel like it. I jogged there a couple of times before but it's just too tiring and too much work to cover such a short distance. I want to go all the way down to Chrissy Fields sometime so come along for the ridee. Other than my Mexico trip to build houses next week, my summer plans are still nonexistent.. just the way I planned it.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Some time for summer time

As I predicted summer was going to get boring and it what do you know, its boring. Not that I don't enjoy doing nothing, it's awesome. But I can only take so much of Jon and Kate plus 8. Oh and I heard that they're getting a divorce which is crazy. They seemed like a happy American family. Except for Maddy, she's always PMSing HAha. Well today I have nothing planned along with the rest of my week. I ended up not getting that summer camp job since there weren't enough kids signing up. So I plan to look for a job around Fisherman's Wharf. I was going to walk down there today and go job hunting but then I remembered that I would have to get up so that's the end of that, maybe tomorrow.

Oh I just remembered that tomorrow is the first basketball game for CCU. This year our team picked up a few more guys. Our team seems to change every year but never really improve.. just like the warriors ooooh burn. Nah we're actually a decent team but we never practice. All the other teams have gyms and scheduled practices and stuff, but no johns. It should be fun though. I'll probably go to the park or gym to get warmed up ready to sit on the bench. Yesterday we had a practice at Lowell and we played these old guys and another CCU team which was in the Youth division. We actually almost lost to those kids.. Ah man I still gotta learn how to drive in. I'm so bad at it hah. But the game's at 7:30 at El Camino so yeah if you got nothing better to do and you're looking for a good show, don't come HAha.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Gotta do an essay!

I have to write a 4-6 page essay on the topic of my choice. I chose to write about how women should be drafted in America. Before everyone judges me as a panzy who is afraid to fight, I chose this topic because I thought it would be interesting to write. Other topics were about legalizing weed or gay marriage, which in my opinion is boring to write about since everyone has a strong opinion about it. I don’t think anyone else is doing this topic and so I thought, why not. Well I have had 3-4 weeks to do this and it is due tomorrow and I have almost 1 page of bs completed.. So why am I blogging with this heavy burden you ask? That is a good question and I will answer it after I finish my essay. Actually I thought that this would help me brainstorm so I just had to write something to get me started.
Well finals are coming up and it doesn’t look tooo bad. My calc final is probably going to be the hardest.. oh, speaking of calc, last week I got to class a little late and sat down in my usual seat noticing that the guy’s jacket in front of me was kinda on my desk. I say kinda cause just put his jacket behind him on his seat and on my desk. Well so I put my books on the bottom half of my desk and its not really a big deal. During the lecture, I sneezed and the guy slowly pulls his jacket back and puts it on his lap HAha. Swine flu man.. Ok I obviously I didn’t sneeze on his jacket but ah I should’ve used it to wipe my nose or something.
Ohh and another time during calc, this guy who sits behind me coughed right onto my neck. He doesn’t even attempt to cover his mouth or move his head to the side, he just coughed right on the back of my neck. I felt the full force of the wind generated from his inconsiderate lungs.. that jerk.. I should’ve stood on my seat, bent over, and cut the cheese right in his face. Lol
Since we’re on the topic of stories in class, I was in my engineering lecture and there are about 140 students in that lecture. We were all given these clickers that we use to answer questions on the powerpoint. The teacher would turn on this program and people would select the answer which counted as participation points. This one question came up and the answer was really easy. So everyone was spamming the clicker pressing it like there was no tomorrow. It was funny cause the noise of the clickers started off soft, but the army of 140 clickers got louder and louder. The teacher just had this “I hate my job” face Hahaha.
Ok enough messing around, time to write my essay, ese

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another April

April has started and it's getting closer to summer. Recently there has been a lot a talk about people going to summer school and initially I did not plan on doing anything for the summer because I wanted to hang out with all of my friends. But all of them are planning on taking summer classes and getting jobs leaving me out in the cold. So I have been thinking about taking a class or two in the summer or get a job. Hopefully I can work at this summer school type thing for kids and that my friend showed me. There is also a trip to Mexico to help build houses that I plan to go to. It didn't really sound appealing at first but I've decided to go and I hope it turns out well.

In my communications class I had to do a 2 minute speech by telling a story, reciting a poem, or a song. I told a story about my freshmen year when I was taking the bus to track practice...

It was a lovely day and my two friends and I decided to take one bus all the way to city college instead of transferring to the underground bus which is usually faster. So we got onto one of those longer buses and one of my friends decided to sit in the very back since the bus was empty. So we sat in the back where two rows face each other and it was a smooth ride. After awhile the bus stopped on 16th street where the Bart station was. I look out the window and I saw a bunch of black guys just going crazy. They were swinging at each other and there were others cheering each other on and I thought it was a brawl. I was hoping the bus driver would hurry up and go and I was watching the doors close in slow motion. Just as the doors were about to shut, one of the guys caught the back door and all of them rushed on. Apparently they were just messing around, cause you know everyone likes punching their friends in the face, and so about ten of them all decided to sit in the back with us. I remember one of them looked at us and said, "We could take these n*ggas" And from there it went downhill. They didn't physically hurt us or anything but they just kept on harassing as we pretended they weren't messing with us Ha. One of them even stood right in between the two rows that faced each other as if we weren't even sitting there. There were these two cops that were riding their bikes along side of the bus and one dude said, " F the police, I don't wanna go back to jail." and another one said, " yeah man, the only difference between them and us is that they got badges." Ah man once I heard that I saw my life flash before my eyes. I finally pulled the string and got off at a random stop with my friends. We were so parnoid that they were going to follow us or wait at another stop so we waited for two buses to pass by until we got on. We got to practice safe but man I won't forget that bus ride.

The class seemed to like the speech but towards the end they expected me to get beat up or something so I think it was anticlimatic. I kinda told it bad too but whatever. Oh and as I was telling the story, there was an earthquake but only half the class felt it. So people were like, "Whoaaaa." "whaat the heck." and I thought they were commenting on my story so I felt pretty good telling it. When I finsished the teacher said, "Good job Matt. That's how you're supposed to do it. When there's an earthquake just keep on going." Ah that kinda made me feel stupid but whatever I thought I did alright.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Grow Up.

About two weeks ago, I left my phone at home when I was at San Jose. My parents have been recently dropping me off to school every week and as I was getting out of the car I just remembered that I had forgotten it. I somewhat asked my parents if they could mail my phone to me throughout the week but I was not sure if they were going to or not. So for two days I went through the day without my phone and I felt so stressed. It's weird because I hardly call anyone or text anyone but I was still worried that I could not contact anyone. I couldn't even check the time. Well on Wednesday I checked my mail and my phone was mailed to me. I was relieved even though no one called or texted me for the rest of the week. It just goes to show how much people have become attached to their cell phones these days. I'm not even a popular guy and I worried so much about missing calls or whatnot.

I got my calculus test back last week and I got a 49 out of 70 which is about a 70%. But there is a pretty sweet curve and it turned out I got a B. I was satisfied even though I knew I could have done better. That class is not too hard but I have been lazy so it makes everything harder. In that class there's this one girl who sits in the same same seat everyday so I always try sit near her. Haha. Ok I am sure many people have had those moments when you could tell a girl thinks/knows you are watching her so they look at something past you or near you just to get your attention. Well I sit right under the clock and whenever the teacher mentions there is only 10 minutes left in class, she always looks at the clock. Or does sheeee. I say that because she always has her Iphone out and as far as I know, there's a clock on the Iphone.. But I always look at her anyways so it works. HAha.

On Friday I had dinner with some of my friends who happen to be in the city. It was a chill event but I haven't seen them in awhile so having them as company was enjoyable. I was waiting at the Daly City BART to get picked up and there were these little kids with their mom selling Girl Scout cookies. It was pretty cute to watch because the smallest girl had a box around her with a plastic strap holding it up yelling, "GIRL SCOUT COOKIES FOR SALE!" They were dancing around and they must have made a lot of money. I felt bad for this other family who were selling chocolates but were not as enthusiastic. The mom offered me chocolate but I couldn't really hear her because I was listening to my Ipod. I realized she was talking to me and told her no thanks. I was waiting at the station for awhile and felt even worse that not too many people were buying their chocolates but were buying the cookies. I was thinking about buying the chocolates until the Girl Scouts left so that family had the station to themselves. This Chinese lady bought one from them and was chatting with them for awhile. She came back a little later and said in Cantonese, "Oh, I'll just but the rest." So in the end everyone went home happy. As I was walking up the stairs to the parking lot, there were three ghetto junior high kids lingering on the steps. I had to weave past them as they were trying to look cool. I sat down on the bench waiting for my friend and this little girl walks right up to me and asks, "Is that seat cold?" I told her not really so she touched the seat and jolted. She touched the seat again and shivered and then ran away with her mom. I was just thinking to myself how cool little kids are until a certain age. Once kids hit jr. high or high school, they just get annoying.

After my friend picked me up we went to the mall to meet up with the rest of my friends. We decided to eat at this Korean place which was alright. My one friend had gone there before and throughtout the night, he was always saying how cute the waitress looked Haha. It's fun just talking about nothing. It always is.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Semester

Hey sorry for not posting anything in awhile but I guess I just forgot about this.
About two weeks ago my cousin and I were mentioning his birthday coming up and he was going to be 20. I had to stop and think about that cause 20 is pretty old. That's gonna be me next year and that's pretty crazy. I am sure I mentioned this but dang, time does really go by fast. Anyways now to more important matters, or at least to me. My classes this semester are pretty interesting so far. Although its harder than last year, I actually stay awake in most of them now. There's this wind turbine project that I have to do in my engineering class and we're supposed to build blades for a windmill and the structure for it. They have this machine that carves out any shape out of this weird plastic/glue and the students get to design the shape using this program. Everything about that class seems professional and there's nothing really not to like.. although there are a lot of guys in that class. Outside of class I haven't been participating in any activities which I should. My day ends at 2:45 usually and I don't do anything except sit in my dorm. So I am going to start looking for something to do starting this week. believe it!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Second Semister

So far the semester has been pretty smooth, although it's probably gonna be harder than last semester. I'm taking Calculus 2, English, Communications, Education Exploration, and Intro to Engineering. My teachers are pretty cool, the only problem with my classes is that I have a hard time staying awake especially in the afternoon classes. One of my teachers goes barefoot while teaching the communications class. He says its better for his back and that it fits into his spirituality. That class seems fun just because it was the only class where the class was divided into groups and you got to know one another. In all of my other classes there's not really a chance to introduce yourself or anything. Also my Edco class seems easy. It's a class exploring different majors and stuff. The teacher guaranteed us that if we choose a major to get rich, it won't happen. I don't believe that statement since guarantee is such a strong word. But I get her message. She also said that a previous student shocked her when he/she told her, "Everyone has to work. You might as well make it count." And with that I just hope I choose the right major and whatnot. This class and comm class look like the easiest so far. My others are pretty straight forward and rigorous. My books are expensive as usual and it's a pain to get them too. Well I'm looking forward to this semester and I hope I don't slack off. Alright that's all for now. Happy Chinese New Year!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Recently I have been going to this park nearby to play some basketball. I saw the same two guys who were there last time so I played with them again. There are not too many people who go and it's probably because no one knows about it. The park is on Hyde Street and if you have ever been there, it's this steep street with the cable cars. It's also on That's So Raven and I think Full House. But yeah it's a really nice park. It feels like you're on top of the city looking down on everything. So I decided to bring my camera to take some pictures on the way up to the park. Here ya go








Friday, January 9, 2009

UC Davis

On Wednesday and Thursday, my friends and I drove up to UC Davis to visit some high school friends. The ride there was entertaining although the Bay Bridge traffic wasn't too fun. Well we finally got to UC Davis and visited our friends who I will not mention due to the fact that there are stalkers and that I am too lazy to type them all out. But we were treated to dinner at their dining commons which was probably one of the best cafeterias everrr. There were sofas in the middle with board games just waiting to be played. There were soda fountains every where and they even had GOOD tasting foods. I had salad, pizza breads, and cereal for dinner along with a vanilla frozen yogurt. And this was just during the late hour period so there were not as much variety out. At San Jose, there it probably only one item that tastes good and that is probably the churros. The rest of the cafeteria's food is there just to fill you up. After we ate we hung out at our friends' dorms and slept overnight. Our hosts had class early the next morning so we let them have a good 3 hour sleep when we got to have 8 or so. We walked around the campus to look for the arcade which took us only about an hour to do so. There we played in the arcade which was pretty nice and also went bowling afterwards. Bowling was pretty fun mainly because I got first place with a score of 103. After that we just hung out and talked about good times.

During the first day we were at UC Davis I felt pretty depressed, especially when I ate at their fancy dining commons. The campus looked so nice and kept clean. It made San Jose State look so bad. It made me think that I should have worked harder in high school and have got accepted to all these UC schools. Even the bathrooms were so nice. San Jose's bathrooms are disgusting 27/7. There is always either barf or cup and noodle left overs in the sink. And for some reason people in San Jose just don't like to flush the toilet. It seems so run down compared to Davis and it made me think. The next day we ran into more friends and I got to ask a lot of them how they liked it there. And all of them pretty much said it was either "ok" or "it sucks." I was in shock and almost angry that they didn't like such a nice campus compared to my school. But they were saying how there wasn't much to do just like how it is with San Jose. That made me glad that they did not really like their school.. and I'm not trying to sound like a jerk but I realized that it doesn't matter which school you go to or if you go to college at all. It depends on what you do with what you have. I'm not saying that I do more at San Jose either.. its probably even less. But although my school has some crappy dorms and crappy food, I still appreciate going there and that I actually can get an education. I don't regret going to San Jose..even though I didn't have too much choices.. I just hope I don't regret not making the best of my time here. If that triple negativity made any sense.. go spartans!