Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

The past Labor Day weekend was a fulfilling one. On Friday I took Cal Train home right after my morning class so I got home pretty early. It was nice just being at home so early. I still think I should get a car which would make it so much more easier. The prices for both Cal Train and Muni rose so now I pay $8.50 to get home. Well I do have the luxury of coming home whenever I want so that's satisfying enough. On Saturday I went to my friend's birthday party which was pretty fun. I expected it to be awkward since I only knew a few others there but everyone was friendly and were more than willing to chat. I stayed over at his place and the next morning Angelo drove me home pretty early just in time for church.

On Sunday some of the youth/young adult wanted to eat dinner at this BBQ place in San Mateo. We went our different ways since some wanted to do some shopping before hand but I decided to just go home first. My little cousins came over to also to play but I just wanted to take a nap since I slept around 3 on Saturday. But they made a lot of noise so I didn't really get a good nap but it was all good. I woke up pretty late and didn't expect to make it to the dinner. But I get a phone call from my cousin and they were ten minutes away hah. It was cool that they drove the opposite direction just to pick me up. The restaurant had this "Belly Buster" which could feed 4 people or a NFL lineman (not one of my usual bad jokes, actually on the menu). So we 3 of those since there were 12 of us but it failed my expectations. The food was good, lots of meat, just that I expected it to be more like the pho challenge. After that, we decided to go to Classic Bowl but when we got there, we found out that Sea Bowl had an evening special which was half the price of Classic Bowl. So being the Asians that we were, we jumped into our cars and headed to Sea Bowl. When we got there, we had to wait for about an hour to bowl.. It was a long night but a good one.

Oh and at church I was reminded of a childhood story about lice, yeah really random. In the forth grade, everyone had to be checked to see if they had lice since it was spreading the school. Found out that Annabel had lice who was in the same grade as me. (kinda messed up that I'm using her name, sorry!) Well I sat next to her at the time so I was trying to keep my distance. But I remember the kid to my left farted or something and it really stunk so I was about to move over to the right but Annabel was right there. I felt really trapped that whole day. HAhaha. what torture.. But yeah good times.