Monday, October 5, 2009


Hahaha I actually stole that title from my friend's facebook status.. but yes, it is that time of year again, midterms! I just finished taking my calculus midterm and it was not the greatest. I forgot really basic calculus stuff which hurt because I knew those were easy points gone. I also got the results for my physics midterm today. I scored a 12.85 out of 29 points.. but there's something called a curve, and I got a B-! I was somewhat satisfied but in order to get a B, I needed 12.95, a tenth of a point more. I looked through the whole test just trying to find some partial credit that the professor might give me. I found an answer that I wrote which was supposed to be right, just that I plugged in a wrong number, and I showed it to the professor. I didn't thing that he would give me credit. However, it worked! I got a quarter of a point. Just like that shamwow! I got myself a B. I was really glad that I took that chance and begged for that forth of a point. Yeah, pointless post once again but that's the most interesting thing that happened recently. I have a philosophy midterm next Monday so time to hit the books!