Thursday, December 10, 2009

nom nom nom

This post is a much not needed break from studying. My finals are on Monday and Tuesday and I really need to buckle down. I'm confident that once I start studying I'll be prepared, just gotta start. Anyhoot during my physics class there was this one kid who sat diagonal from me who always wears the same dragon jacket. I'm no fashion police but a whole semester? But I admit, when I saw his Naruto fingerless gloves, I got pretty jealous. What really amazed me was that he was picking his nose as if he was the only one in the room and it got pretty disgusting. Not only was he picking away, he was eating them! He was having his own buffet during class. I wanted to look away but I was just in shock that people still do that his age. Now I know it's even more juvenile to make fun of others but this is merely an observation and it has opened my eyes. Maybe this only happens at state schools.. or only during physics classes.. or he could just be hungry, who knows? Again sorry for blogging about this, it's just that I have no idea why he would eat his own boogers.. since earwax tastes so much better!