Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New forMatt

I don't think I ever changed the blog's format but change is good. Now it looks like I write more. Speaking of change, I haven't changed my underwear in 4 days. HAha jk... but not really..

Well today I went to the dentist and I have no cavities! I always hated going to the dentist and I still do. Well it's not nearly as bad as it was when I was a kid but it is definitely not a favorite pastime. The dentist commented on how many extractions I had and I realized that I had 8 teeth removed by the dentist, including my wisdom teeth. I really have underwent the many tortures a dentist can perform: cavities, wisdom teeth, braces, and x-rays! Ah man I hate those x-rays because it always feels like it is stabbing the bottom of my mouth. I actually once threw up because of that.. And I also bit the dentist's finger, on accident of course haha.

Anyways after the checkup, I mentioned that one of the fillings from a previous cavity was shredding the floss since there was excess filling in between two teeth. So they tried to smooth it away with this sandpaper-like strip of paper but weren't able get it in between my teeth. They had this tool to pry the teeth away from each other and yes it hurt. So they were doing that and they asked if it hurt and I shook my head because I didn't think it would take that long. But they said that they needed to numb my gum so they could pry it a little more, which is another reason why I said it didn't hurt because I hate their numbing shot. But I still got that shot and it brought back many unpleasant memories. There is a very distinct taste to that shot. It tasted like metal but I don't know if it was my blood or the needle or maybe both. But it didn't take too long and they were able to smooth it out significantly so I guess I'm grateful for that, yet if I knew that they were going to do that, then I would have said that my teeth are fine..

Now that I think about it, I feel bad for my dentist who had to put up with me every six months when I was small. I would gladly get a shot, a pimple, and a haircut all at the same time rather than go to the dentist. Gladly.