Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Grab your coat, feed your goat, and go vote!

So as you all know the presidential elections are coming up. Originally I didn’t plan to vote because I’m just clueless on what’s going on. But I’ve been always hearing that this is one of the most important elections of all time or something like that. And I just don’t want to miss out on the opportunity. Yes that is a bad reason to vote so I have been watching youtube videos on the debates between the Ps and VPs. As of now I am leaning towards Barack instead of John. I do agree with John’s values but times like these calls for someone.. someone cool.. someone bomb.. what about Barack Obomba!? Yeaaah do you smell what Barack is cooking?! Yeah ok I’m not that much of a fan so don’t dump me in the pile of democrats yet. I just want someone who could fix the economy and end the war. Barack seems that he just wants to get out and not fight it out which I admire about him. Also he wants to cut taxes on the middle class which is a plus. Whether ending means to retreat or to defeat, just end it. Cause my generation is going to pay for it annnd I am that self-centered..

Yeah ok sorry for that politics talk.. I am usually oblivious and clueless about current events.. I mean I use the Colbert Report as my reliable source. Anyways school has been pretty good although midterms killed me. Last week I went to this concert starring Passion, Gabe Bondoc, and Miss Caroline. These people are famous because of youtube so check them out. My friends and I got their autographs/pictures which was cool..although we waited for more than hour.. which wasn’t cool.. Well if any of you have views or opinions on the election please feel free to educate me and I’ll give you my valuable. kkthx

Oh and here’s a pretty insightful video on Barack Obama. It talks about his religion/beliefs before he ran for president.. o.O


Anonymous said...

glad you're leaning away from McCain.

Norbie said...

and barack has a barack roll
