Sunday, October 19, 2008


The semester is coming close to an end and it is quite nerve racking. I am not looking forward to finals based on the difficulty of the midterms. In Chemistry I didn't do too well on the first exam but I just took a lab exam and I know I bombed that one. The only thing keeping my hopes up is my lab grade. I have been getting good grades on the reports so hopefully it would even out to a passing grade. I just received an email from the science department saying that I am not doing too well in math either. I overlooked this class and ahh I have to get my grade up. But this section is on derivatives and I am pretty confident in this exam so hopefully I ace it. Although I did feel the same way about the last exam and did bad on it so I better study up some more. But in English, I have been doing fairly well. That class is focused all on essay writing. We haven't read a book yet just a bunch of essays. I am really fearing that I would have to retake a class. I just hope I can get my act together in time.

Besides from school the Friendship Games is coming up this weekend. Although the trip is going to be a bit pricey, it should be fun. I do need a small vacation because getting bad grades can be tiresome. Oh and to add on to the negative news, I have a weakk fantasy basketball team. I missed the first few rounds and got DWade, Andre Iguodola, Deron Williams, and Ron Artest as my power players. Ahh stupid Yahoo rankings~! oh well hopefully people in my league are dumb enough to trade some of their playerz. haha well other than that I had a pretty chill weekend. I stayed over my friends apartment and we hung out and had some good laughs. We are on the verge of becoming crazy youtube stars so check us out soon! hahah


Angelo said...

we are going to be the ownage on youtube! holla.

yeah man, i got a deficiency in my anatomy class. i'm right there with you man. study groups are effective though! I'm sure you can do great if you put your mind to it!