Monday, September 8, 2008

captain's log stardate 090808

Hahaha ah man. my family used to always watch star trek voyager. watching it as a kid it looked so real. now when i watch it i just laugh whenever the ship gets attacked because i could imagine the actors on the set looking like idiots as the camera shakes haha. well its the third week of college and its picking up. My homework load is getting worse including this 6 page essay I have to write by Thursday. Oh and I just realized that I wanted to look educated when I write these so I am trying to use correct punctuation and stuff. My weekend was pleasant. I saw PingPong Playa with Corey's family, Adrian, and my brother. It was about this first generation Chinese guy who acts ghetto. He has to play in this ping pong tourney and yeah thats about it. The movie was a low budget independent movie but it was still pretty good. The main actor and the director were at the theater and had some Q&A after the movie. I asked a question about the soundtrack and got a ping pong! hahah wooo.
So far I've been going back home every weekend. I'm really glad that I am able to go back home especially during the first few weeks of school. The first thing I do when I get home is watch TV on my sofa. It feels so good to just lie down and not stare at a brick wall. During the college application process I put my heart on getting into davis or irvine. Any mid UC would have been good for me. I remember Irvine excepted people pretty early and I still didn't receive anything from them. I started to get nervous and I checked the online thing like three times a day. Maybe even more.. I checked it so often that I memorized the freaking user number and password which is like 9 digits each haha. I was at Hawaii on my laptop when I found out that I didn't get into Irvine and I was pretty mad. My choices of colleges were either UCSC, SJSU, SFSU, or SDSU. I was leaning towards San Diego just because it was in socal and I wanted to get away from home. Now that I am at San Jose, I am so glad that I didn't go to San Diego. This is the one time that not listening to teachers' advice helped me. They said to not follow your friends and to make your own decision. Well I pretty much followed my friends here and I'm satisfied with the choice I made. Eh the fact that SJSU had a good engineering program also was another factor too.. So yeah that is why I am sitting here now and not at San Diego. Yeah today's post was a pointless post so if you have read this far I am sorry that I wasted your time.. Aha just kidding Im not. lalalalalalawastingyourtimeallalalalalalalalakeepreadinglalalallalalala
The good thing about college is that I have a lot of free time which I have already said previously. And with my free time, I have been playing guitar hero a lot hah. So if I don't get a job as a drummer or some sort of engineer, I could always teach guitar hero to kids and make a living off of that.. even though there are 6 year olds who are better than me.. but I got my future all planned out.