Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another Satisfying Week

Today concluded my speed reading classes and I suppose I did get something from it. I was hesitant in going to my class today since I didn't expect to get much from it. When I walked into the room, there was less than half of the students since the first class. I guess they were thinking the same as me. Well I talked to my partner who was majoring in aerospace engineering. We kinda talked about what career we wanted to pursue and I told him I didn't know what I wanted to be. He told me his ideal job was to be one of those guys in the flight control for NASA. That seemed like a crazy job and that got me thinking what I wanted to do. For a little bit I was thinking of what it would be like to major in aviation and become a pilot of some sort. That guy said that a lot of people who drop out of engineering usually major in either aviation or business since most of the required courses are similar. That was somewhat of an encouragement knowing that I got other choices besides engineering. Towards the end of the class I read Dibs: In Search of Self just because I wanted to know how it ended. The boy ends up being a genius the whole time and finally is able to solve his emotion problems. Now that the class is over I am able to read faster and understand more. The secret technique worth $300 is to use your hand to guide you as you read. yup thats it. They call it long smooth underline. And their other techniques are called "short smooth underline" and "mild push" It's the same thing but one you underline the middle of each line and the other technique you just read faster. So the point is to block the words below and it pushes your eyes to move faster. The thing is that only yesterday the teacher told us to not read every word but to skip two or three words. So if a sentence read, "Matt is totally cool and loves watching those NBA guys." You would read "Matt totally loves guys." ok wait.. forget that example.. But the point is that you would automatically pick up the words you skip over. And don't read the same speed you would speak. That advice really helped me also. Just that they told us yesterday when I thought they should have told us that advice earlier..

I have appreciated my classes and professors a lot more over the week. My chemistry teacher is pretty funny as she cracks jokes during her lectures. One time she was trying to get the internet to work but it wasn't loading. The class could see what she was doing since it was hooked up to the projector. After about five minutes of her talking and trying to fix the computer at the same time there was a silence. As we all stared at the white screen some guy said, "gg." and I lol'd. I felt stupid for laughing since no one else laughed and I kinda just played it off and faded my laugh into a sigh. Hahah but its good to know that there are fellow nerds out there.

This weekend wasn't so bad. I played some basketball and pool with my friend who also stayed at school. There were only two other guys in the gym and they weren't the greatest players on earth which was exactly why we went at that time. We played a 2 on 2 game and it was pretty fun even though we lost. I did get two blocks, which is a proud achievement for me. One of them was pretty insane and I kinda felt bad since it wasn't really necessary to hit the ball that far out.. it was almost as unnecessary as this Lol


Angelo said...

lol at your technique! i'm gonna sell it off and call it angelo's special technique! byah.

san jose state sounds pretty chill. dorm life sounds chill!

sola said...

speed reading jutsu is a forbidden technique;it's banned! but now that i know, i might be able to read more than a sentence per minute.