Monday, September 29, 2008


Well a lot has happened since last week. I finally went home over the weekend and it felt so relaxing. On friday I hung out with my friends and got to the city kinda late for dinner. On saturday I went to my friend's to get a haircut. 18 years of the same haircut has changed finally.. although I did have one of those bowl haircuts when I was like 4.. my mom said that when I was a baby she would rotate me when I slept so I wouldn't have a flat spot on my head. HAha so I guess I could thank her now. but now I look like all my other filipino friends which isn't bad but- ok yeah that part kinda sucks. but now it feels good to not worry about my hair in the morning or anything like that. annd yeah the next time you see me, i'll have krazy shoes, skin tight pants, some tshirt that no one gets, a hat, and you'll see me karaoke on wednesday nights.. haha just kidding to all my filipino fans. but i like my new haircut. it'll get some getting used to though.

My roommate and I rearranged the room and we have a lot more space now. Now I can do a cartwheel into a backflip off the wall and out the door. we have a lot more room in the middle of the dorm and we don't know what to do with so much space.. so we end up leaving the trash on the floor to take up space. school is getting harder which sucks.. and not much to talk about there. I went to my friend's dorm and there was a guy who had supersmash melee and brawl and I asked him if he wanted to play. He was talking trash saying how good he was and that he would kick my behind in that game. So of course I took up the challenge and I beat him, undefeated. gg. that made my day. he was a sore loser but hey, who wouldn't be after trash talking and losing. I joined the filipino club with my friends and its pretty fun. theres this Friendship Games coming up where teams from different colleges compete in these random games involving running and crawling on the grass. So on a weekend we get to go down to socal representing san jose and compete. well that about sums up my weekend.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another Satisfying Week

Today concluded my speed reading classes and I suppose I did get something from it. I was hesitant in going to my class today since I didn't expect to get much from it. When I walked into the room, there was less than half of the students since the first class. I guess they were thinking the same as me. Well I talked to my partner who was majoring in aerospace engineering. We kinda talked about what career we wanted to pursue and I told him I didn't know what I wanted to be. He told me his ideal job was to be one of those guys in the flight control for NASA. That seemed like a crazy job and that got me thinking what I wanted to do. For a little bit I was thinking of what it would be like to major in aviation and become a pilot of some sort. That guy said that a lot of people who drop out of engineering usually major in either aviation or business since most of the required courses are similar. That was somewhat of an encouragement knowing that I got other choices besides engineering. Towards the end of the class I read Dibs: In Search of Self just because I wanted to know how it ended. The boy ends up being a genius the whole time and finally is able to solve his emotion problems. Now that the class is over I am able to read faster and understand more. The secret technique worth $300 is to use your hand to guide you as you read. yup thats it. They call it long smooth underline. And their other techniques are called "short smooth underline" and "mild push" It's the same thing but one you underline the middle of each line and the other technique you just read faster. So the point is to block the words below and it pushes your eyes to move faster. The thing is that only yesterday the teacher told us to not read every word but to skip two or three words. So if a sentence read, "Matt is totally cool and loves watching those NBA guys." You would read "Matt totally loves guys." ok wait.. forget that example.. But the point is that you would automatically pick up the words you skip over. And don't read the same speed you would speak. That advice really helped me also. Just that they told us yesterday when I thought they should have told us that advice earlier..

I have appreciated my classes and professors a lot more over the week. My chemistry teacher is pretty funny as she cracks jokes during her lectures. One time she was trying to get the internet to work but it wasn't loading. The class could see what she was doing since it was hooked up to the projector. After about five minutes of her talking and trying to fix the computer at the same time there was a silence. As we all stared at the white screen some guy said, "gg." and I lol'd. I felt stupid for laughing since no one else laughed and I kinda just played it off and faded my laugh into a sigh. Hahah but its good to know that there are fellow nerds out there.

This weekend wasn't so bad. I played some basketball and pool with my friend who also stayed at school. There were only two other guys in the gym and they weren't the greatest players on earth which was exactly why we went at that time. We played a 2 on 2 game and it was pretty fun even though we lost. I did get two blocks, which is a proud achievement for me. One of them was pretty insane and I kinda felt bad since it wasn't really necessary to hit the ball that far out.. it was almost as unnecessary as this Lol

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Weakend

Hahaha I read Jason's xanga and it was quite entertaining. Props to him for that

This weekend I stayed here at San Jose because I had this class on Saturday and Sunday. It is a speed reading class and its 3 hours long. I would say that the class is pretty much pointless except for the one technique they told us to use which is called "long smooth underline" Basically you just use your hand to guide yourself while reading. It does help since I increased my reading from 220 words per minute to 320 words per minute. They say that we're going to increase our reading speed by double. The thing is that the class feels like a high school class while there are adults in the class.. Seems rather childish to have us read and talk to our neighbor about the reading every time. Well I did pay for this class so that's my main motivation to go next weekend. The book we're reading is non fiction piece about a boy named Dibs. His parents think he's mentally retarded but he's just emotionally ill. And this psychologist, who is also the author, helps him get through and he is now able to act normally. If your major is psychology I highly recommend this book. It's also just an interesting book to read. You don't see me recommending books too often so this must mean that the book is good... then again I haven't read a whole book since green eggs and ham.. which I also recommend.

Evan, Lindsay, and Tiffany Dun visited me and Nina on saturday. It was cool to see them once more before they start college. We hung around the empty campus and did a whole lot of nothing really. Well they did watch me do my laundry which had to be very exciting. Later at night they went clubbing while I, being the cool cat that I am, stayed in my dorm and went online. However I have been attempting to skateboard lately with my roommate's skateboard. (and yes I have changed subjects abruptly) It's actually not too hard to learn and I plan on getting a board when I go back to the city. This also makes me want to play the drums more, living that skateboarder lifestyle. Well on Friday, my friend (won't mention names) and I used my roommate's skateboard to learn for the first time. Well I somewhat knew how to ride but im still pretty noob at it. Anyways my friend got on the skateboard and ended up on the ground. It was pretty funny to watch and even funnier the second time he fell. It was like in slow motion how he fell back as the skateboard went forward. Although I did eat the cement pretty hard so I shouldn't be laughing.. hahaha but still it was pretty funny..

Other than that weekends here are pretty dull. It's like a ghost town. Then again it is peaceful.. I would rather be at home though. There's nothing like using the computer at home. I do have some plans when I go home next next week. Firstly I plan to get a skateboard and stuff like that. Secondly I'm going to get my running shoes and track spikes cause I want to run again. My friend Tommy said that the San Jose State's club track team has about 20 people on it and that its not too hard. I just wanna run around a little bit.

-this just in- my roommate just brought in a 40" plasma screen. I think San Jose has just gotten a bit better now. helloooo guitar heroooo

Monday, September 8, 2008

captain's log stardate 090808

Hahaha ah man. my family used to always watch star trek voyager. watching it as a kid it looked so real. now when i watch it i just laugh whenever the ship gets attacked because i could imagine the actors on the set looking like idiots as the camera shakes haha. well its the third week of college and its picking up. My homework load is getting worse including this 6 page essay I have to write by Thursday. Oh and I just realized that I wanted to look educated when I write these so I am trying to use correct punctuation and stuff. My weekend was pleasant. I saw PingPong Playa with Corey's family, Adrian, and my brother. It was about this first generation Chinese guy who acts ghetto. He has to play in this ping pong tourney and yeah thats about it. The movie was a low budget independent movie but it was still pretty good. The main actor and the director were at the theater and had some Q&A after the movie. I asked a question about the soundtrack and got a ping pong! hahah wooo.
So far I've been going back home every weekend. I'm really glad that I am able to go back home especially during the first few weeks of school. The first thing I do when I get home is watch TV on my sofa. It feels so good to just lie down and not stare at a brick wall. During the college application process I put my heart on getting into davis or irvine. Any mid UC would have been good for me. I remember Irvine excepted people pretty early and I still didn't receive anything from them. I started to get nervous and I checked the online thing like three times a day. Maybe even more.. I checked it so often that I memorized the freaking user number and password which is like 9 digits each haha. I was at Hawaii on my laptop when I found out that I didn't get into Irvine and I was pretty mad. My choices of colleges were either UCSC, SJSU, SFSU, or SDSU. I was leaning towards San Diego just because it was in socal and I wanted to get away from home. Now that I am at San Jose, I am so glad that I didn't go to San Diego. This is the one time that not listening to teachers' advice helped me. They said to not follow your friends and to make your own decision. Well I pretty much followed my friends here and I'm satisfied with the choice I made. Eh the fact that SJSU had a good engineering program also was another factor too.. So yeah that is why I am sitting here now and not at San Diego. Yeah today's post was a pointless post so if you have read this far I am sorry that I wasted your time.. Aha just kidding Im not. lalalalalalawastingyourtimeallalalalalalalalakeepreadinglalalallalalala
The good thing about college is that I have a lot of free time which I have already said previously. And with my free time, I have been playing guitar hero a lot hah. So if I don't get a job as a drummer or some sort of engineer, I could always teach guitar hero to kids and make a living off of that.. even though there are 6 year olds who are better than me.. but I got my future all planned out.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gosh darn it.

I got back to San Jose yesterday hitching a ride from my friend. I'm glad that I didn't have to take Cal Train cause I had a lot of things to bring with me such as my books, laundry, food, butler, and laptop. So I went into my dorm and relaxed with my roommate and his friends, who practically live in our dorm also. My other roommate came and brought a mini fridge to our dorm which now occupies about half of our walking space. Also my other roommate bought guitar hero 3 over the weekend and we just rocked out on medium difficulty all night long. (stupid orange button..) Well I woke up and went to my chemistry class but when I walked into the lecture room, it was empty. I called my friend thinking that the class changed to a different room. I asked my friend where was chemistry at today and she said, "Isn't chemistry is tomorrow?" and that was when I realized it was Tuesday and not Monday... sooo yeah. I got owned pretty hard but the good thing is that I only missed my English class instead of a mandatory class or anything. So I went back to my dorm to play guitar hero. I didn't think that I would miss a class this early in the school year.. but I have officially played hooky! It doesn't feel as thrilling as it looks like on television. Maybe cause on tv, highschoolers are the ones skipping school... even middle schoolers. Just shows how cool I am.

Well here are some pictures of my dorm. I had to use my webcam so the pictures are pretty small and bad quality. As you can see I am living quite the luxurious college life.. I am able to take a whole 3 steps and not walk into anything. jealousss?


my bed:

my desk:

my shelf :

my roommate's stuff..