Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Friendship Games

The past weekend I went down to CSU Fullerton in Socal along with the Filipino club to compete in the Friendship Games. There were about thirty other schools competing and it was prettty fun. We wound up winning first for the games and got this nice trophy.. although I was a sub for one of the game so I didn't feel I contributed at all. But well on Friday we left San Jose at 11:30 when they told me to meet at this certain spot at 10:15 so they can leave at 10:30 sharp. faiil. I was somewhat upset cause they made me skip my class on Friday just so I could stand around and wait for the cars to show up. Well the ride there was somewhat smooth. I rode with Titus and some other people I just met. If it weren't for Titus the ride would have been boring so I'm glad I got to ride along with someone I knew. We got there around 8pm and the schedule was to have a meeting at 12am. sleep for 2 hours. wake up and head to Fullerton State at 3am. The registration process was supposed to start at 3 but did not start until 5:30am. And on top of that we were driving aimlessly to different parking lots since we didn't know which one it was. And we took about 150 people so about 20 cars in a line drove around the college looking for the lot. We found the right lot around 4:30 and lined up to register. The morning was freezing and it was a painful wait standing in the cold.

During the games there is a thing called SPUF. spirit, something, something, and friendship. well basically schools compete for the SPUF trophy by being enthusiastic and unified while cheering. So throughout the whole day schools were shouting cheers to one another such as: FRIENDSHIP FRIENDSHIP FRIENDSHIP. I did not expect so much happiness around me.. it was kinda scary and annoying at the same time yet fun. After the games there was an after party to go to but yeahh lalala. After that on Sunday we drove back stopping at hometown buffet, which wasn't bad, and got back to San Jose. Yes I did miss a lot of details throughout the trip but its not worth talking about.

Today is Tuesday and I have another 1500 word 1st draft essay due Thursday along with a Math exam. I can't wait until the Halloween weekend so I can go and treat my home sickness. But I know the weekends fly by so fast so I shall appreciate as much of it as possible. Oh and me and my friends have started a new blog which should be in the side link. We are going to start making movies and we named ourselves Juicebox Productions. Honestly I don't really like the name of it but you should have seen the other names we came up with.. Well I think I'll get used to the name, but for now check out the blog and feel free to comment on our non existing movies.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


The semester is coming close to an end and it is quite nerve racking. I am not looking forward to finals based on the difficulty of the midterms. In Chemistry I didn't do too well on the first exam but I just took a lab exam and I know I bombed that one. The only thing keeping my hopes up is my lab grade. I have been getting good grades on the reports so hopefully it would even out to a passing grade. I just received an email from the science department saying that I am not doing too well in math either. I overlooked this class and ahh I have to get my grade up. But this section is on derivatives and I am pretty confident in this exam so hopefully I ace it. Although I did feel the same way about the last exam and did bad on it so I better study up some more. But in English, I have been doing fairly well. That class is focused all on essay writing. We haven't read a book yet just a bunch of essays. I am really fearing that I would have to retake a class. I just hope I can get my act together in time.

Besides from school the Friendship Games is coming up this weekend. Although the trip is going to be a bit pricey, it should be fun. I do need a small vacation because getting bad grades can be tiresome. Oh and to add on to the negative news, I have a weakk fantasy basketball team. I missed the first few rounds and got DWade, Andre Iguodola, Deron Williams, and Ron Artest as my power players. Ahh stupid Yahoo rankings~! oh well hopefully people in my league are dumb enough to trade some of their playerz. haha well other than that I had a pretty chill weekend. I stayed over my friends apartment and we hung out and had some good laughs. We are on the verge of becoming crazy youtube stars so check us out soon! hahah

Sunday, October 12, 2008

relaxing saturday

Today I had the house to myself as my family went to help out at a garage sale/car wash at my church. I have to do this essay by Tuesday and I have a lot more writing to do. Well I woke up and decided to make waffles. I have to say I am quite proud of my cooking skills. Those were the most bomb diggidy best waffles I've had for awhile. Then again it could be because I've been having the same food over at San Jose for the past month and a half.. My waffles looked so good that I took a picture of it and it should be down below. After that I got on my laptop and did some essay writing but didn't get too far. I also watched Van Helsing which was somewhat entertaining. Well for lunch I walked to In n Out and remembered it was fleet week. Well I didn't really remember but just noticed the really loud planes flying over my head. I got my burger and a milkshake and watched the planes fly around from my living room. The Blue Angels stole the show as usual. They just fly really fast and in formation so it looks cool. The other planes actually did spins/corkscrews and more tricks. It was quite a nice sunny day for San Francisco, especially for the planes to fly. I was able to take some pictures of the Blue Angels with my dad's uber camera. The lens are pretty powerful so it looks really clear. But I do suck at taking pictures, thank goodness for autofocus. And I'll post some here even though I put them up on facebook. Other than that my Saturday has been efficient in doing nothing and it feels great. Now I have to do loads of homework tomorrow.. horay!





Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Grab your coat, feed your goat, and go vote!

So as you all know the presidential elections are coming up. Originally I didn’t plan to vote because I’m just clueless on what’s going on. But I’ve been always hearing that this is one of the most important elections of all time or something like that. And I just don’t want to miss out on the opportunity. Yes that is a bad reason to vote so I have been watching youtube videos on the debates between the Ps and VPs. As of now I am leaning towards Barack instead of John. I do agree with John’s values but times like these calls for someone.. someone cool.. someone bomb.. what about Barack Obomba!? Yeaaah do you smell what Barack is cooking?! Yeah ok I’m not that much of a fan so don’t dump me in the pile of democrats yet. I just want someone who could fix the economy and end the war. Barack seems that he just wants to get out and not fight it out which I admire about him. Also he wants to cut taxes on the middle class which is a plus. Whether ending means to retreat or to defeat, just end it. Cause my generation is going to pay for it annnd I am that self-centered..

Yeah ok sorry for that politics talk.. I am usually oblivious and clueless about current events.. I mean I use the Colbert Report as my reliable source. Anyways school has been pretty good although midterms killed me. Last week I went to this concert starring Passion, Gabe Bondoc, and Miss Caroline. These people are famous because of youtube so check them out. My friends and I got their autographs/pictures which was cool..although we waited for more than hour.. which wasn’t cool.. Well if any of you have views or opinions on the election please feel free to educate me and I’ll give you my valuable. kkthx

Oh and here’s a pretty insightful video on Barack Obama. It talks about his religion/beliefs before he ran for president.. o.O