Saturday, November 22, 2008

Good old days

So today was quite a fun day. I went paintballing with my cousins and friends of my oldest cousin. It was a fun experience and a lot better than halo haha. Although it hurts like crazy, it was worth it. I got hit in the head and thats probably the worst. The masks only cover your face so the top and back of your head is exposed. I could go into more detail but I think it would seem boring reading it off this thing, so if you see me around ask me about paintballing. hahah ok that was a useless post.

But anyways I just went through my small CD collection listened to some of the songs I used to listen to back in jr. high. Since mp3's weren't super popular yet, CD players were still the cool thing to have. I remember my old friend Cathy would give me CD's and recommendations about artists/bands. So recently I started listening to those songs and it made me laugh because I was into hip hop/rap back then. Theres all these songs by Ashanti, Usher, Chingy, and etc. Ah man I can't believe that I used to listen to this stuff. Anyways one song in particular I used to listen to a lot was Into You ft Ashanti. When I heard this song, so many memories rushed through my head about my experiences during middle school. I remember I would listen to my CD player before I go to sleep and this was one played a lot hahaha. Man that's embarrassing.. but I miss those days and my old school. I busted out my yearbook and read what people wrote on the covers. Almost everyone put some version of "K.I.T." (keep in touch) and its like uhh nope.. I guess its one of those in the moment kind of things. I also just realized that I am getting old and fast. College already and I still act like a kid. Well one of those things people have to except. But those sure were the good old days.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Smooth Week

This week has gone by pretty fast since we got Veterans Day off. So on our day off my friends and I checked out the Great Mall and Westfield. We skated/scootered around a lot too. I still suck at skating so it was alright. There was this one crack in the sidewalk and I was going slow so the board stopped and i kicked it back so I had to run and get it. As I was walking back this guy said,"Looks like you need more practice." That was when I took the skateboard and smacked his face and darted off. Haha just kidding. I actually took the skateboard and cried walking back.. Hah anyways I also got a pair of red chucks which look sick. This is probably the first clothing item I have ever purchased that is such a bright color. I don't know what got a hold of me. I usually wear neutral colors like gray or black. or grayish black. or gray and black. Now I have to find something to match red which is going to be hard. After Veterans Day there was a super smash bros brawl tourney in which I failed miserably. But my friend and I entered in 2v2s and we owned the first round since we played noobs. I was able to get a spike off and people watching were like "Ohhhhh" I felt cool for about 10 seconds until I realized I was being complimented by a bunch of nerds... thats when I felt even cooler. But after that first round we got our rears handed to in the following round and I cried walking back to my dorm.. haha just kidding. I took my chair and slammed it across their faces. lol sike. I don't have the physical strength to do that.. that as in lift the chair..
Today I finished watching about 10 straight episodes of The Office which is pretty awesome. I feel stupid laughing out loud when I'm watching it on my computer with my headphones on since my roommates give me weird looks. And yes it would be ten times better watching it with other people but hey, its not like you can get up and make new friends. I mean this is college. Ridiculous.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

horay for obama

Kids were running down the halls and screaming outside when Barack Obama was announced the president. It seems all young voters were going for him. I want to say that I contributed but I do not think my vote counted. On Nov. 3rd, I was going to mail my ballot to SF, but I asked a guy working with the polls and he said that it was alright to just drop it off on Nov. 4th. So when I went the next day I was rejected soo I mailed it in the afternoon which I doubt made it in time but whatever Barack Obama won anyways. I agree with my cousin that this election seemed like more a racial issue rather than a debate. To vote for someone just because of their race is worse than not voting. Who knows how many people voted for Obama just because he's black. Well it doesn't matter now. I just hope he'll get us out of this mess.

Last weekend was Halloween weekend I hung out with some of my friends. It was good to see some high school friends coming back from college. The week went by fast but I have the cold which sucks. I don't get sick very often so I'm always not used to it and hate it. My nose was running all day especially in my chem lab. Ah it was horrible. I walked pretty fast to the dining commons because I got really hungry after my class and I had the usual orange chicken, rice, and chow mein which is there everyday. But it tasted so good today and I took a nap after that and I felt a little better. I went to my math class and took my weekly quiz. The teacher asked if I was alright and I said yeah even though I must have looked pretty bad for her to ask.. I couldn't really stand my cold so I just left within the first half hour of class. I just finished doing my laundry and I'm looking forward to sleep again. Besides that, I got a decent grade on my math mid-term and an A for my essay in English which made my day. Also there was a paper on the wall advertising a super smash brawl tourney. There's no entry fee and the winner gets a gift card to game stop. After I finished reading the paper I was like yeaaaah finally. Although I'm not that great at brawl I feel I can do pretty good. I'm better than the average player. So when I get home this weekend I'm gonna practice haha. You know you're a nerd when your adrenaline rushes when you think about going home to play video games..which has never happened to me of course. Well once again I can't wait until I get to go home and relax. Thats about it