Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1st day of class

Today was the first day of class for the spring semester and it was quite tiring. My first class was a physics lab but when I got to the classroom, class was canceled.. So I went back to my apartment somewhat frustrated since my next class was in 3 hours. The next class I had was differential equations. I said before that this class might be kinda hard but I was wrong, it's definitely hard no questions. I had no idea what was going on the whole hour and fifteen minutes. He gave out this worksheet on material we were supposed to know and I only knew maybe one question.. sigh it's going to be rough. My last class of the day was general psychology, which seems pretty easy. The teacher is nice and it seems pretty interesting. During class she was talking about a teacher and a learner so she wrote "leaner" on the board. She then said, "oops! forgot the 'r'!" and then she inserted the "r" and it spelled "leanrer" and she continued on with her lecture.. kinda funny how no one corrected her but just laughed lol. I guess that's the price I pay for attending a state school hahaha

Last weekend I went to UC Irvine to visit some high school friends. We also made a spontaneous trip to LMU to visit another amigo and to check out the campus. LMU has such a clean campus and it had a crazy nice view of LA. We were outside of my friend's dorm trying to enter the building to surprise him but a key was needed. We saw what we thought was an intercom so we dialed 2-1-1, his dorm number, but someone answered: Please state your emergency. So us 4 college students ran and hid around the corner like kids waiting for someone to enter the building so we could sneak in. We kidnapped him and then went to a Korean BBQ buffet called Manna, which had probably the best meat I've eaten in a long time.. we were there for 2 hours just eating different kinds of meat.

crazy view of LMU and LA

Oh and for those of you dying to ask me a question about anything but too lazy/scared to leave a comment, check out
It's pretty fun so ask away!

Monday, January 25, 2010


I erased all the songs on my ipod in order to add some new songs. It also got to the point where I would skip almost every song just because I have been listening to the same stuff for yearss. So here's one of my new favorites I've been listening to..

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Farewell Sea Lions

Only about a week left until school again but I'm somewhat excited. I have 2 hard classes and 3 easy classes so I guess it balances out. One of those classes is a beginners volleyball class which I'm looking forward to. P.E. classes in general are hard to get so I'm glad I got volleyball which I have at least a little experience in. But I also have to take differential equations which I heard is pretty tough. My friend said that he was so happy when he got a D- HAha ah man, it can't get any worse than that. He also said that you never apply it in engineering so that's good to know. Actually a lot of math and physics theories are never applied but still necessary for engineering majors. I still wonder if I really want to major in this or if it's because I just wanna meet Mr. Benjamin Franklin, many many times. Then again I can't really imagine myself majoring in anything else except maybe in business or aviation. But for now engineering is just fine.

On Thursday I plan to take a small trip to UC Irvine to visit some friends. I'm looking forward to that. Although there has been quite a storm arising in S.F. I heard that there were tornado warnings in SoCal as well. Oh speaking of not so pleasant news, the sea lions have gone missing! Yes it's old news but still big news! The many sea lions that once roamed Fisherman's Wharf freely, until recently, have vanished. (Actually I heard they're headed towards Oregon.) But what is interesting is that there is a rumor that the sea lions also departed before in 1989. And now with the disaster in Haiti, it all makes sense! Even though Haiti is no where near the pier.. Now that they're gone, we are more vulnerable to earthquakes than ever! What's even worse is that they're gone, maybe about 20 remain which are probably the rejects of the colony. But those smelly giant slugs with whiskers are practically San Francisco's mascots. Tourists from all over the world come here to admire their elegance and beauty. Now it's all up to the Bush Man to keep our tourists entertained.

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Format!

I took the whole day today to change the banner and template of my blog. If you don't know who the half naked man is, it's Travis Barker, drummer of the band Blink 182. I wouldn't say he's my all time favorite drummer but he's definitely up there. I used his picture just because his tattoos are pretty crazy. Other than that I used a plain template which was I had to resort to after hours of going through other templates.. but who cares! I finally got it done and now it's time to start my day. Hope you like it :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

happy holidays!

These past few weeks have been quite enjoyable just being able to relax and hang out. There's no anxiety of a final or project to do, the only thing I have to worry about is how I'm going to get home haha. Well I still have a good 3 weeks of winter break and I look forward to be able to do what I have been doing. I'm a little under the weather at the moment and thus I blog. I just have a sore throat but it's not too bad.

Christmas was as good as it could have gotten. I got to see all of my relatives on my mom's side which hasn't happened for a couple of years. It was pretty crazy seeing my cousins' children, everyone is getting old and fast. I remember when I was among the youngest and I would get dozens of presents from my aunts and uncles. Now we have a secret santa every year which is still fun. Speaking of secret santas, I was in four secret santas/white elephant this year and that was probably the toughest year to shop.

New Years wasn't as exciting as I remembered, 2010 just seems like another month has ended. But I do like to reflect on the past year and try to make a new year's resolution. This year, besides getting good grades, I want to try to be more independent. I plan to not come back home as often next semester as a start and just do more. Not sure what that exactly means but I know I'm not doing enough. Well hope everyone had a good new years and make sure 2010 counts!