Tuesday, December 23, 2008

winter break

Horay finally winter break has arrived. My finals were easier than I thought but I'm still waiting on the results.. Although my chemistry final was pretty rough which was on last Thursday. I had set my alarm clock for 9:00 but somehow I didn't hear it or something and I woke up at 9:50 when my final starts at 9:45. So I grabbed my jacket and backpack and sprinted out of the dorm. I got pretty tired when I got into the lecture hall which wasn't too far away from my dorm. Everyone had started already and were concentrating pretty hard so I didn't attract much attention. The professor was cool about tests and left one on each desk and allowed you to take it no matter how late you are, just that you get less time of course. Well about half an hour through the test, the lights went out and it was pitch black. The whole campus had a blackout and people started talking and stuff. Then one of my friends behind me whips out a flashlight and keeps on working on his final Haha. Who brings a flashlight with them to a final? I guess he was the one who caused the blackout.. Hah but yeah the lights eventually turned on about fifteen minutes later, which later added on time at the end of the test and that made up for my lateness. I felt pretty good throughout most of the test and hopefully I passed chem.. My calculus final was not too hard either. I know I didn't get an A but hopefully a B. But yeah Thursday was such a stressful day and I'm just glad its the break. During the weekend I went to Olive Garden with my cousin and my friend which was pretty good. I got a gift for Kristine's debut the next night which was alright. The food was good and it was cool seeing some high school friends again. Other than that I have been pretty much sitting at home and enjoying the break. Next semester I'm going to be taking 5 classes worth 16 units. I think it's going to be rough but I'm also looking forward to it. One thing's for sure is that college is a lot harder than high school. You actually have to study and earn your grades haha.