Monday, February 8, 2010

UC Riverside

Quite a weekend! My fellowship group in San Jose went to a SoCal/SJ praise night at UCR. We left on Saturday at noon and arrived around six even though the event started at 3, but we still had a good time. UCR has a pretty nice campus, very spacious. The auditorium we were in had a nice sound setup and the seats were comfortable.. Well we stayed over at a friend's house and had some fun choppin it up. The next morning we went to their church called Harvest church. This church was a mega-church, and by mega, I mean ultra. There were at least 1000 people and the service was like a performance, it was crazzzzy. There were cameras filming the choir, congregation, and pastor, which was all shown on the two big screens. The pastor gave a really powerful message about the many things from idolatry to eternal life. He seemed like he was the perfect pastor: engaging preaching style, never stuttered, jokes were actually were funny.. I don't usually talk about religion a whole lot since many people have their own opinions, but that service was really professional. I'm sure if anyone went their, they would be impressed as well. Also I kinda expected one of those in-your-face type of pastors, who would like condemn people since it was a really big church and I've seen those TV shows where people have demon spirits taken out of them. But the service was really good and everyone pretty much agreed with what he said.

After the service we went to Chipotle and got to talk again. I found out that some of them were gamers and they played Smash! Melee of course, not that lame/weak/insulting/garbage of a game Brawl. It was cool just talking about Smash cause one other guy was learning Samus and I felt like the old wise man sharing his life long tips and experiences..on how to lose.. We then headed back to San Jose, skipping the super bowl. However, we did stop by Sonics for the first time ever. We got out of the car and looked for the door but apparently Sonics is like one of those old school diners where people bring you food on roller skates. You order from a machine that is located at every parking spot and they had foods similar to McDonalds but also tatter tots, hot dogs, and many different slushies/shakes. It probably tasted better just because it always looked good on the commercials and I never had it.

This semester is gonna be a lot busier for me, which is good I suppose, since last semester I was so bored in my apartment. My physics and differential equations class are pretty hard so that should take up time. I plan to join a community service fraternity and also do more in my fellowship soo yeah we'll see how it goes.


David Fox said...

ohh man sonics, sounds like an awesome weekend

Matt said...

haha yeaah sonics was interesting. the waiter gave me 11 dollars change all in ones for some reason. i later realized that i think he wanted a tip.. hahah