Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Starting Second Year

This is the first week of school and it is going pretty good. I'm rooming with my asian roommate from last year and a high school friend at an apartment this year. The apartment is pretty nice but the only bad thing is that it's about a 15 minute walk from SJSU. There is a bus but it doesn't come too frequently.. And this doesn't help the fact that I have 8:30am and 8:00am classes. I'm not too sure if many of you have heard, but there have been some major budget cuts in California. SJSU, along with other CSU schools, has been pretty screwed over by this. I feel lucky that I got 15 units but the times of these classes are pretty bad. Along with the budget cuts, professors are supposed to have furlough days meaning no class. I'm surprised at myself that I wasn't rejoicing because I need all the help I can get in my physics and calculus 3 class. Hopefully it'll all work out.

Today in my lab for my mechanical engineering class, we were assigned to draw different shapes using AutoCAD. It sounded really complicated but I think it was just because the TA had a strong Indian accent and that I sat in the back and couldn't hear him. So during his instructions, people in the back were just talking amongst themselves trying to figure it out on their own. The class seemed pretty interesting and surprisingly there were girls in the class. It's pretty rare to find girls in the science/engineering classes but yeah. Tomorrow is going to be my film class and I'm really looking forward to that.. Well hope the year is a good one

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Eventful past few weeks

For the past few weeks, there have been some eventful events that have occurred, hence the title. I went to Disneyland to celebrate a friend's birthday and we stayed at UC Irvine for housing. Again like at Davis, it made me feel depressed that I go to San Jose.. It seemed so chill in socal and just happier haha. I went to California Adventures for the first time and rode all of the popular rides. I originally did not want to go on Tower of Terror cause I hate scary stuff but it wasn't even close to as scary as I imagined it to be. Another memorable ride was the ferris wheel. This ferris wheel had carts that slide, kinda hard to explain, but basically you rock back and forth while going around the ferris wheel. So when we got on, there were some pretty intense rocking even though it was such a slow ride. We were screaming and enjoying the ride and I look over to my left and Nathan was hunched over not moving at all. I asked if he was alright and he just said no. Then were all quiet and trying to make him not barf. The ride was almost over but of course he had to let it out and barfed on the floor. As we got out of the cart, I told one of the workers that he should get a mop to wipe it up. He got the mop and was about to go inside the cart, but 2 girls ran into the cart and sat down. They noticed the barf and inspected it closely and once they realized it was barf, the doors closed. Hahaha My friend and I were laughing so hard, at the same time trying to hide it so it wouldn't look like we barfed there on purpose and waited to see their reaction. But ah man, they were stuck in that cart for about 15 minutes with barf on the floor hahaha. The next night we went out to check out the malls nearby and eat some dinner. UC Irvine also had this restaurant called Guppies. They were known for this huge bowl filled with shaved ice, fruits, and condensed milk. Never had anything like it, but it was delicious.

After I came back from socal, I went to visit my cousins in Fresno. My family helped them build a shed in their backyard as well as fix up their yard a little. While I was helping pouring cement, some of the cement splashed into my eye. I just had to wash it out but that was kinda scary haha. Oh and at the hotel that we stayed at, I finally learned how to swim kinda. And by kinda I mean that I could swim only for 1 breaths worth of distance. I can't lift my head up for air but its all good. It was quite a satisfying moment for me.

Now I got back from vacation and counting down the last few weeks until school starts. I just found out that I got into one of my waitlisted classes and now have 15 units. Things are just going for me for the past few weeks and I just want to enjoy the last of the summer I have..

Sadly a few days ago, I was informed that one of my classmates from highschool/college past away. He was such a cool guy, always saying hi to me whenever I saw him. It's so shocking and hard to believe. Rest in peace Devin, I'll be praying for you.