Sunday, May 3, 2009

Gotta do an essay!

I have to write a 4-6 page essay on the topic of my choice. I chose to write about how women should be drafted in America. Before everyone judges me as a panzy who is afraid to fight, I chose this topic because I thought it would be interesting to write. Other topics were about legalizing weed or gay marriage, which in my opinion is boring to write about since everyone has a strong opinion about it. I don’t think anyone else is doing this topic and so I thought, why not. Well I have had 3-4 weeks to do this and it is due tomorrow and I have almost 1 page of bs completed.. So why am I blogging with this heavy burden you ask? That is a good question and I will answer it after I finish my essay. Actually I thought that this would help me brainstorm so I just had to write something to get me started.
Well finals are coming up and it doesn’t look tooo bad. My calc final is probably going to be the hardest.. oh, speaking of calc, last week I got to class a little late and sat down in my usual seat noticing that the guy’s jacket in front of me was kinda on my desk. I say kinda cause just put his jacket behind him on his seat and on my desk. Well so I put my books on the bottom half of my desk and its not really a big deal. During the lecture, I sneezed and the guy slowly pulls his jacket back and puts it on his lap HAha. Swine flu man.. Ok I obviously I didn’t sneeze on his jacket but ah I should’ve used it to wipe my nose or something.
Ohh and another time during calc, this guy who sits behind me coughed right onto my neck. He doesn’t even attempt to cover his mouth or move his head to the side, he just coughed right on the back of my neck. I felt the full force of the wind generated from his inconsiderate lungs.. that jerk.. I should’ve stood on my seat, bent over, and cut the cheese right in his face. Lol
Since we’re on the topic of stories in class, I was in my engineering lecture and there are about 140 students in that lecture. We were all given these clickers that we use to answer questions on the powerpoint. The teacher would turn on this program and people would select the answer which counted as participation points. This one question came up and the answer was really easy. So everyone was spamming the clicker pressing it like there was no tomorrow. It was funny cause the noise of the clickers started off soft, but the army of 140 clickers got louder and louder. The teacher just had this “I hate my job” face Hahaha.
Ok enough messing around, time to write my essay, ese