Sunday, March 8, 2009

Grow Up.

About two weeks ago, I left my phone at home when I was at San Jose. My parents have been recently dropping me off to school every week and as I was getting out of the car I just remembered that I had forgotten it. I somewhat asked my parents if they could mail my phone to me throughout the week but I was not sure if they were going to or not. So for two days I went through the day without my phone and I felt so stressed. It's weird because I hardly call anyone or text anyone but I was still worried that I could not contact anyone. I couldn't even check the time. Well on Wednesday I checked my mail and my phone was mailed to me. I was relieved even though no one called or texted me for the rest of the week. It just goes to show how much people have become attached to their cell phones these days. I'm not even a popular guy and I worried so much about missing calls or whatnot.

I got my calculus test back last week and I got a 49 out of 70 which is about a 70%. But there is a pretty sweet curve and it turned out I got a B. I was satisfied even though I knew I could have done better. That class is not too hard but I have been lazy so it makes everything harder. In that class there's this one girl who sits in the same same seat everyday so I always try sit near her. Haha. Ok I am sure many people have had those moments when you could tell a girl thinks/knows you are watching her so they look at something past you or near you just to get your attention. Well I sit right under the clock and whenever the teacher mentions there is only 10 minutes left in class, she always looks at the clock. Or does sheeee. I say that because she always has her Iphone out and as far as I know, there's a clock on the Iphone.. But I always look at her anyways so it works. HAha.

On Friday I had dinner with some of my friends who happen to be in the city. It was a chill event but I haven't seen them in awhile so having them as company was enjoyable. I was waiting at the Daly City BART to get picked up and there were these little kids with their mom selling Girl Scout cookies. It was pretty cute to watch because the smallest girl had a box around her with a plastic strap holding it up yelling, "GIRL SCOUT COOKIES FOR SALE!" They were dancing around and they must have made a lot of money. I felt bad for this other family who were selling chocolates but were not as enthusiastic. The mom offered me chocolate but I couldn't really hear her because I was listening to my Ipod. I realized she was talking to me and told her no thanks. I was waiting at the station for awhile and felt even worse that not too many people were buying their chocolates but were buying the cookies. I was thinking about buying the chocolates until the Girl Scouts left so that family had the station to themselves. This Chinese lady bought one from them and was chatting with them for awhile. She came back a little later and said in Cantonese, "Oh, I'll just but the rest." So in the end everyone went home happy. As I was walking up the stairs to the parking lot, there were three ghetto junior high kids lingering on the steps. I had to weave past them as they were trying to look cool. I sat down on the bench waiting for my friend and this little girl walks right up to me and asks, "Is that seat cold?" I told her not really so she touched the seat and jolted. She touched the seat again and shivered and then ran away with her mom. I was just thinking to myself how cool little kids are until a certain age. Once kids hit jr. high or high school, they just get annoying.

After my friend picked me up we went to the mall to meet up with the rest of my friends. We decided to eat at this Korean place which was alright. My one friend had gone there before and throughtout the night, he was always saying how cute the waitress looked Haha. It's fun just talking about nothing. It always is.