Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Semester

Hey sorry for not posting anything in awhile but I guess I just forgot about this.
About two weeks ago my cousin and I were mentioning his birthday coming up and he was going to be 20. I had to stop and think about that cause 20 is pretty old. That's gonna be me next year and that's pretty crazy. I am sure I mentioned this but dang, time does really go by fast. Anyways now to more important matters, or at least to me. My classes this semester are pretty interesting so far. Although its harder than last year, I actually stay awake in most of them now. There's this wind turbine project that I have to do in my engineering class and we're supposed to build blades for a windmill and the structure for it. They have this machine that carves out any shape out of this weird plastic/glue and the students get to design the shape using this program. Everything about that class seems professional and there's nothing really not to like.. although there are a lot of guys in that class. Outside of class I haven't been participating in any activities which I should. My day ends at 2:45 usually and I don't do anything except sit in my dorm. So I am going to start looking for something to do starting this week. believe it!