Saturday, August 30, 2008

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen

It has been awhile since xanga used to be the cool thing to do. And a lot has happened since then so I'll briefly fill you in about the high points of my life.. Senior year. Graduation. Summer. College. Basically it.. but currently I am at home for the labor day weekend. My first week at San Jose State was pretty smooth. The college life is great. I feel independent getting to do whatever I want whenever I want pretty much. I can do things like eat with my mouth open and not push in my chair. Living life on the edge!! The professors seem nice but then again it is the first week. Mechanical Engineering degree is what I'm aiming for but I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I just don't want to regret anything I do especially something as big as a career. I always hear things like "do what you love" "follow your dreams" "Coocoo for Cocoa Puffs" and thats when I really want to agree with that but reality hits. In my opinion I see very few people who do what they love and still are able to support themselves and families. Having a job just to get by seems like the typical type of life and I just hope mechanical engineering will get me a job that I won't regret.

Eh well I don't know. I still have plenty of time to decide on my career and as for now I'm just enjoying life. I recently got my driver's license and I feel quite proud even though I am a little late. Technically I think I failed because there was a 16th mark (15 errors max to pass) on one question saying I got an error and I got it correct but the driving inspector let me pass. My driving teacher drove me back home and on the way he was saying things with his Chinese accent like, "See I was right, you should haf taken won moor lesson. If your driving inspector didn't know me, you wood haf failed." I was pretty annoyed of him just because he was a jerk then and during my driving lessons. But who cares I got my license and that's what all that matters.

It has been pretty hot lately not only in SF but in San Jose. Almost as hot as my mirror.. It hit 100+ degrees and it felt pretty bad. I actually have to take a shower more than once a week. Other than those few hot days I love college. I'm living with two other roommates and they're cool. The food isn't all that bad cause there's a buffet, Subway, and another cafe type place. This Freshmen 15 is scaring people in eating healthy but I know I'm going to maintain my weight because somehow I've been pretty skinny my whole life even when I tried to bulk up. And besides everyone is sweating off their fat from the heat. I tried this one Chinese imitation place and it was horrible. The restaurant was called Noodle Bowl and noodles didn't come with the meal. It was just bean spouts, carrots, some sort of choy, and won ton. I was stupid to go eat at a restaurant with no line. I see a lot of kids from high school at San Jose too which is pretty cool. I haven't met a whole lot of new people yet so having my high school friends to hang out with is good. So far everything's good. Life's good.

Alright till next time, dank you come again